Welcome to the Washington State Guides Association website.
Washington State fishing guides and charter operators exist solely for the sport anglers. Without sport anglers, we do not have a job.
WSGA works to represent the fishing guide industry in our state. More importantly, we work hard for sport fishing anglers, who live here and also those who visit our beautiful state from around the United States and beyond.
Whether you realize it or not, Washington State is a destination for anglers from all over the world. Folks travel here for business and for fishing. Given our abundant waterways, not to mention the Pacific Ocean, folks are drawn to the water to fish.
Fishing guides and charter operators help countless Washingtonians and out-of-state visitors get on the water every year.
Licensed guides and charter services are also advocates for public access to our natural resources and bring millions of dollars in tourism into the state’s communities, including those in rural areas.

Through guide logbooks and other programs, we also support fisheries monitoring and conservation to ensure sustainable opportunities for all anglers in Washington State.
There are those who would like to see guide’s limited in their ability to guide. The problem with this mentality is the guides are not the ones who would be limited. It would be the sport angler. That includes all sport anglers, even those with physical and even emotional disabilities.
There are many sport anglers who have boats of their own, who choose to fish with a guide or charter for a variety of reasons. Knowledge of the area, difficulty in operating in an area, or they want to fish and not operate the boat. Sometimes, they want to just learn more about a fishery or the techniques involved with that fishery.